CONEROSS BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Westminster, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Version 2.2, 14-May-2010, C038a.TXT, C38 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Helen B. Petty of Westminster Tugaloo Tribune Coneross Baptist Church, by Lewis W. Gibson TRANSCRIPTION .. : Carolyn Morris at in May-2003 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate intersection of Highways 76/123 & 183 in Westminster. Drive (S) on Highway 183 (S. College Rd) In 3.8 miles stop in front of church Latitude N 34 42.901 x Longitude W 83 04.118 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ The central edifice of Coneross Community is the Coneross Baptist Church. A small wooden church which is source of great pride to members. The church was organized on 23-Apr-1796, with Rev. John Cleveland as its first pastor. The church belonged to the Shoal Creek Association until 1798. Between the years 1800 and 1811, Coneross Church was member of the Fareppa Association of Georgia. The records show that the church membership was 73 at the turn of the century and by 1805 had grown to 178. When the church left the Fareppa Association there were nine Negro Slaves on the rolls under the names of their masters. It is thought that the first church building for the members of Coneross Baptist Church was constructed in 1812. It was a of log construction and was located closer to Walhalla then the present church building. At some later date, the building burned and was replaced by a second building on the site. The church continued to operate at this location until a group of its members left to organize the Popular Springs Baptist Church. About the same time in 1853, Thomas Alexander and John Adair gave a five acre track of land as a location for a new church, which was land on the site of the present church. The name of the church appears on the rolls of the Beaverdam Association in 1876 and for the next fifty years there is no record of its s____ities. By: Tugaloo Tribune ----------- In the words of Emerson, "All history resolves itself-into the biography of a few stout and earnest persons." That is how Coneross Baptist Church came to be constituted-through the efforts of some dedicated, persevering Baptist ministers. The venerable Rev. John Cleveland, Revolutionary Soldier, and lovingly known as "Father Cleveland" was instrumental in presenting a petition for help for ordination from a small flock of brethren of Coneross to Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Franklin County, Georgia. Constitution for the church came sometimes in 1798, involving the following men: John Cleveland, Thomas Gilbert, John Davis, Thomas Maxwell, Dozier Thornton, Francis Callaway, John Doss, John Barton, Charles England, and James Gipson. Subsequently, in 1799, the church was absorbed in the new Sarepta Baptist Association. By 1800, there were 78 members and Littleton Meeks was pastor. Other pastors until 1850 included: John Cobb, Lewis Ballard, Andrew A. Cobb, Andrew W. McGuffin, Sanford Vandiver, Joseph Gresham, Lewis Fendley, and Nimrod Sullivan. Some of the first deacons were: G. W. and Thomas Alexander, J. M. and Simpson Abbott, G. W. Phillips, John S. Cobb, and J. B. Brewer. It is thought that the first church building was constructed in 1812. It was a log construction and was located closer to Walhalla than the present church building. At some later date, the building burned and was replaced by a second building on the same site. The church continued to operate at this location until a group of its members left and organized the Poplar Springs Baptist Church. At about the same time, in 1853, Thomas Alexander and John Adair gave a five-acre tract of land as a location for a new church, which was built on the site of the present church. Records show that nine men of Coneross were called to preach: Andrew A. Cobb, Andrew W. McGuffin, Edward Hembree, J. Milton Sanders, Wilburn and Haskell Abbot, Marshall Simpson, W. F. Haynes, Jr. and Theodore Barker, Jr. Source: History of Coneross Baptist Church, by Lewis W. Gibson ----------- Records of early Baptist work in northeast Georgia bear witness that Coneross Baptist Church existed as an "arm" of Shoal Creek in Franklin County, Georgia before 1796. This "arm" petitioned their mother church to assist in its constitution in 1798, and the following year Coneross is listed as a member church in their association of churches. Shoal Creek is also the mother church of Old Liberty, Chauga, and possibly Choehee. Minutes of early church conferences are in existence today, the oldest dated 1833. These eight volumes, sometimes written in beautiful Spencerian script, sometimes poorly spelled, and barely readable tell of a long struggle to witness in a rural area where the people were widely scattered. Usually held on a Saturday each month, these conferences dealt with church problems and individual sin. Sometimes members were expelled for fighting, becoming intoxicated, attending dances, overcharging for goods or services, and gossiping! Originally built in a more southeastern location, the church moved near the south boundary of Walhalla when Elder John Grisham, the pastor about 1840, sold them land for a new church. The present location was acquired about 1880 when Thomas Alexander and John Adair gave land for a church and cemetery. Several outstanding Baptists besides Elder Grisham preached at Coneross, among them Dr. R.G. Lee, Wilburn Abbott, and Andrew McGuffin. Men who left Coneross for the ministry include Reverend Haskell Abbott, T.D. Barker, W.F. Haynes, and Marshall Simpson. Before the War Between the States, the roll of members included Negro brethren and sisters. The last reference to a "Black Brother" is 1873. Church buildings in the early days were maintained and rebuilt as needed by men of the church. Once a tragic fire destroyed both the old building and a new one under construction. Highlight of the church year was an annual week-long revival the third week in August. Members spent the week visiting, entertaining, and attending morning and evening sessions of singing, giving testimonies, praying, and listening to visiting preachers. Coneross is proud of its brick building, constructed during the 1980s. Today's membership roll is about a hundred and fifty; its budget is more than $60,000 a year. It is fully accepted as a Southern Baptist Convention organization. Submitted by: Helen B. Petty, 692 Hesse Highway, Westminster, SC 29693. TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ABBOTT, Ada D., b. 29-nov-1898, d. 8-jul-1992, widow of Ennis Eugene Abbott, p. James Lemuel and Mira Murphree Duckworth, ABBOTT, Claude, b. 1-nov-1885, d. 4-feb-1904, on single headstone, buried in Marshall and Mary C. Cobb Abbott plots ABBOTT, Enis E., b. 1-feb-1896, d. 2-aug-1967, on single headstone beside Ada D. 1898-1992 ABBOTT, Enis Eugene, Jr., 19-dec-1934 (only date), son of Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Abbott ABBOTT, J. Davis, b. 8-aug-1853, d. 7-jun-1929, on double headstone with Lula E., 1870-1913 ABBOTT, J.S., b. 1871, d. 1961, on single headstone, has Abbott header, beside Mary Josephine Julian Abbott 1869-1958 ABBOTT, Judge D., b. 30-aug-1904, 10-mar-1969 ABBOTT, Lillie, b. 1878, d. 1904 ABBOTT, Louise, b. 1851, d. 1922 m rev wilburn abbott ABBOTT, Lula E., b. 25-jan-1870, d. 1-apr-1913, on double headstone with J. Davis, 1853-1929 ABBOTT, Marshall, b. 3-jan-1861, d. 18-mar-1926, on double headstone with wife Mary C. Cobb Abbott, 1863-1932 ABBOTT, Mary C. Cobb, b. 9-jun-1863, d. 9-mar-1932, on double headstone with husband Marshall ABBOTT, Mary Josephine Julian, b. 1869, d. 1958 ABBOTT, Mary K., b. 10-Feb-1812, d. 27-jun-1890 ABBOTT, Maryetta, b. 22-sep-1893, d. 4-sep-1894, p. J.D. and L.E. Abbott ABBOTT, Prof. Oliver M., b. 1851, d. 1944, on single headstone says "last surviving son of a Rev. soldier" ABBOTT, Ronnie W., b. 8-dec-1890, d. 27-sep-1924 ABBOTT, Wilburn, Rev., b. 1847, d. 1931 ABBOTT, Zadie, b. 1900, d. 1912 ABRAHAM, Irene, only date april 8, 1915, one headstone Willie and Irene ABRAHAM, Willie, only date, april 8, 1915, one headstone ADAIR, Alfred O., b. 1833, d. 1906 ADAIR, John Abner, b. 28-nov-1859, d. 15-oct-1931, beside Martha Turner Adair ADAIR, Lovey Alexander, b. 1833, d. 1909 ADAIR, Martha Turner, no dates, on single marker that says mother of Claude Adair, beside John Abner Adair, 1859-1931, 2 graves beside martha, no names or dates ADAMS, Nancy, b. 1861, d. 1935, beside Pery Monroe Adams 1864-1927 ADAMS, Pery Monroe, b. 31-mar-1864, d. 30-aug-1927, beside Nancy, 1861-1935 ALEXANDER, Anna D., b. sep-11-1897, d. feb-25-1953 ALEXANDER, Annie M., only date sep-22-1900, paper says Annie Margaret, d. jul- 20-1987, p. Walter and Hettie (Krist) Alexander ALEXANDER, Betty K., b. jan-15-1879, d. mar-12-1931 ALEXANDER, Brunis W., b. mar-11-1892, d. mar-11-1964 ALEXANDER, Elizabeth O., b. may-8-1848, d. aug-16-1915 w. james w. ALEXANDER, Hattie Patterson, b. jun-3-1880, d. oct-11-1950, says wife of T.L. Alexander, daughter of Robert and Nancy Ann Taylor Crisp ALEXANDER, Hettie Crisp, b. 1872, d. 1958, beside J. Walter, 1872-1961 ALEXANDER, Hugh Lee, on double headstone w/ Noel Alexander, says infant sons of Mildred and Joe Alexander ALEXANDER, J. Walter, b. 1872, d. 1961, beside Hettie C., 1872-1958 ALEXANDER, James W., b. 3-dec-1862, d. 18-jul-1896 ALEXANDER, Joe P., b. nov-29-1914, d. may-10-1984, on double headstone w/ Mildred L., married apr-4-1938, paper says Joe Patterson Alexander, husband of Pauline (Dickard) (Patton) Alexander, p. Theodore Lester and Hattie (Patterson) Alexander, b. Oconee Co. ALEXANDER, Margaret Dickson, b. oct-1847, d. jun-1908, says moved from family plot 1964 ALEXANDER, Margaret Rachel, b. 19-aug-1908, d. 25-mar-1975 ALEXANDER, Mildred L., b. aug-4-1916, d. 12-dec-1974, on double headstone w/ Joe P., b. 1914 ALEXANDER, Morris Wilburn, b. oct-10-1926, d. dec-16-1975 ALEXANDER, Noel, on double headstone w/ Hugh Lee Alexander, says infant sons of Mildred and Joe Alexander ALEXANDER, Rena Jane, Maj., b.13-jan-1912, d.27-dec-1999, p. t. lester & hattie patterson alexander, army nurse 21 yrs/WWII, several medals ALEXANDER, Robbie, b. 10-may-1902, d. 13-feb-1905 ALEXANDER, Sarah M. Marett, b. nov-24-1852, d. nov-21-1932, on double headstone w/ Wilburn O., 1852-1940 ALEXANDER, Thedore Lester, b. may-24-1881, d. mar-27-1955, w. hattie patterson ALEXANDER, Theodore Decatur, b. nov-1849, d. dec-1928, moved from family farm plot 1964 ALEXANDER, Wade T., b. jul-25-1878, d. oct-19-1959 ALEXANDER, Wilburn O., b. nov-24-1852, d. may-19-1940, on double headstone w/ sarah m. marett Alexander, 1852-1932 ALLEN, Buddy Ray, b. jun-21-1935, d. may-5-1936 ARVE, Annie Reid, b. jul-16-1906, d. feb-23-1976, says dtr. of h.w. and j.r. arve ARVE, Carrie H, b. 11-nov-1906, d. 13-aug-2001, double headstone w/ otis h. arve ARVE, Ernest Lee, b. nov-4-1908, d. jun-7-1929, says son of h.w. and julia arve ARVE, Eva Marie, b.19-feb-1900, d.27-apr-1999, p. henry w. & julia rothell arve ARVE, Henry W., b. 1868, d. 1942, on double headstone w/ julia r., 1868-1947 ARVE, Julia R., b. 1868, d. 1947, on double headstone w/ henry w., 1868-1942 ARVE, Otis H, b. 6-apr-1901, d. 23-sept-1951, double marker w/ carrie h arve AUSTIN, Lewis M., b. 1903, d. 1967 BARKER, Elizabeth, "Lizzie", b. 4-dec-1879, d. 25-jan-1953, a. 73y 10m 9d BARKER, Garvin Lindsay, b. 3-oct-1889, d. 11-nov-1969, a. 80y 1m 8d, h. nellie dubose barker BARKER, Harriett A., b. 25-jul-1856, d. 6-jul-1904, a. 47y 11m 19d, daughter of thomas alexander and frances jane crosby alexander BARKER, Helen B., b. 3-jun-1918 BARKER, infant son, (only date) 1900, p. j.l.o. & harriett barker, family records say infant named marshall luther BARKER, J. Clinton, b. 11-oct-1878, d. 9-jan-1953, a. 74y 2m 28d BARKER, James Howell, b. 8-feb-1925, d. 23-aug-1996, a. 71y, p. t.d. sr. & ora cleland barker, w. margaret hunnicutt barker BARKER, James Lawrence Orr, b. 15-jan-1851, d. 16-mar-1907, a. 56y 2m 1d, h. harriet alexander barker BARKER, James Lawrence Orr, b. 19-jun-1916, d. 18-dec-1979, a. 63y 5m 29d, w. helen barett barker BARKER, Leathie, b. 4-feb-1883, d. 31-oct-1928, a. 45y 8m 27d BARKER, Nellie Dubose, b. 8-oct-1892, d. 29-sep-1973, a. 80y 11m 21d, w.garvin lindsay barker BARKER, Ora Arve, b. 4-nov-1894, d. 4-sept-1973, a. 76y, h. paul k. barker BARKER, Ora Cleland, b. 5-nov-1903, d. 23-dec-1977, a. 74y. h/ theodore decator sr., dtr of luther and martha walters cleland BARKER, Paul Killian, b. 13-nov-1887, d. 28-feb-1973, a. 85y 3m 15d, vet wwI, w. ora arve barker BARKER, Rebecca Alice, b. 6-jul-1954, d. 6-jul-1954, a. 1d, p. james l.o. & helen b. barker BARKER, Selma Mary Marett, b. 7-aug-1884, d. 7-sep-1969, a. 85y 1m, h. styles james barker BARKER, Styles James, b. 31-may-1881, d. 18-aug-1938, a. 57y 2m 18d, w. selma mary marett barker BARKER, Theodore Decator (Dee), Sr., b. 13-apr-1898, d. 9-jun-1953, a. 55y, w. ora cleland , son of J.L.O and Harriet Alexander Barker BATES, Della Brown Standridge, b. 6-jun-1904, d. 6-oct-1989, a. 85y, p. volander rush & sarah walls brown, h. (1st) otis standridge, (2nd) john sam bates BEARDEN, Annie B., b. 22-oct-1879, d. 3-mar-1960, a. 80y 4m 12d BLACK, Hattie, b.1938, d.1966 BLACKWELL, Calvin C., b.15-mar-1926, d.19-mar-1996, p. trenham hardy & viola capps blackwell, navy vet WWII BLACKWELL, infant of burrell and ann blackell, no dates, scott plott BLACKWELL, Joseph R., b. 26-sept-1926, d.18-aug-1995, p. rev. l.e. & lena chambers blackwell, w. amy wilbanks blackwell BLACKWELL, Karen Denise, 11-dec-1975, only date BLACKWELL, Robert, 1-jan-1977, only date BLACKWELL, Vivian Barnes, b.13-may-1935, d.18-june-1989, p. lem & mary spearman barnes, h. calvin blackwell BOGGS, Bessie Smith, b.1881, d.1963, double marker with george martin boggs BOGGS, Dessie Leola, b.6-mar-1900, d.16-nov-1918, p. g.m. & bessie boggs BOGGS, George Martin, b.1879, d.1949, double marker with bessie smith boggs BOGGS, Myrtle Irene, b.9-may-1907, d.18-oct-1909, p. g.m & bessie boggs BRIGHT, W. J., b. 30-mar-1864, d. 27-oct-1945, on single headstone BROOM, Emilie A., b. 8-jun-1890, d. 23-may-1977; also here: lucy & lizzie; just outside this is geo. w. broom BROOM, George, b. 22-jan-1850, d. 29-nov-1916 BROOM, Lucy, b. 22-aug-1887, d. 13-jun-1979; also here: lizzie & emilie a.; just outside of this is geo, w. broom BROOM, Mary (Lizzie), b. 31-mar-1885, d. 11-nov-1968; also here: lucy & emilie a.; just outside this is geo. w. broom BROOME, Erin Leigh, b. 6-oct-1997, d. 12-oct-1997; inf dtr. of darryl & karen (brock) broome;l syrv:bros. alden, drew; grands herman & betty (edwards)brock, leonard wade broome; great grands alice white edwards, james runion. (a. i., 10- 13-97, pg. 5b, col. a) BRYSON, Franklin Columbus, b. 1945C, d. 2-mar-1993; surv: son keith; dtr. tammy segall; bros. mike, roger, jimmy, rbt.; sis. diane smith, nannette, charlene henderson, bertty stewart; 5 grands; s/o late clyde clinton & ruth omie (lee) bryson. (a.i. 3-4-93, pg. 2d, col. e) BUTLER, Bessie Horton, b. 12-aug-1905, d. 17-dec-1989, h. john c., p. james & nora hamilton horton BUTLER, Elihu, C., (no dates), stone says co. e 1 sc rifles csa BUTLER, Evelyn S., b. 26-jan-1911, d. 10-jan-1941, on double headstone with louis c. (1907-69) BUTLER, Fannie Gaines, b. 31-dec-1888, d. 10-feb-1942, on double headstone with john j. (1882-1971) BUTLER, Gary Dean, b. 12-jun-1956, d. 18-nov-2001, us air force BUTLER, John C., b. 1-apr-1905, d. 17-may-1979, on double headstone with bessie h. (1905-0) BUTLER, John E., b. 1946, d. 1966 BUTLER, John J., b. 24-aug-1882, d. 18-nov-1971, on double headstone with fannie gaines butler (1888-1942) BUTLER, Johnnie E., b. 12-jul-1946, d. 6-may-1966, veteran vietnam BUTLER, Louis C., b. 24-feb-1907, d. 2-apr-1969, on double headstone with evelyn s. (1911-41) BUTLER, Martin D., b. 25-jun-1924, d. 17-jul-1982 BUTLER, Rita Diane, b. 24-mar-1949, d. 26-mar-1949, p. mr. & mrs. l. c. butler BUTLER, Rosa Cornelia, Miss, b. 31-aug-1911, d. 18-jun-1959 BUTLER, Sarah Jane, b. 12-aug-1833, d. 25-jan-1909 BUTLER, Susannah, b. 27-oct-1802, d. 7-aug-1887 BUTLER, Wiliam H., b. 22-may-1829, d. 24-dec-1893 BUTLER, William H., 12-mar-1933 (only date), p. mr. & mrs. j. c. butler BYRD, Ella Fern Kelley, b. 1939, d. 2000 CARTER, Julia Smith, b. 10-mar-1881, d. 24-mar-1943, single headstone says wife of w.o. CARVER, George A., b. jul-1893, d. 3-aug-1893, single headstone says s/o r.p. & s.e., says died age 1m CLELAND, Luther Allen Sr., b. 1872, d. 1950, dbl. headstone with martha w. 1879/1966; separate stones say father & mother; also here: morris henderson cleland 1907/78 CLELAND, Martha W. (Walters), b. 1879, d. 7-nov-1966, dbl. headstone with luther a. 1872/1950, h. l.a., sr.; d/o lewis & susan morris walters; CLELAND, Morris Henderson, b. 17-apr-1907, d. 2-jun-1978, single headstone says tec 5 us army WWII; son of in luther a. & martha w. cleland plots, s. luther. cleland and martha w. cleland CLEVELAND, Cecile Meredith, b. 30-aug-1919, d. feb 2003 dbl. headstone with rev. lewis edgar cleveland 1919/2000; also here: wm albert & roxie mcdonald merdith CLEVELAND, Lewis Edgar, Rev., b. 23-jul-1919, d. 8-sept-2000, dl. headstone with cecile meredith cleveland 1919/2003; also here: wm. albert & roxie mcdonald meredith COBB, James O., b. 3-sept-1887, d. 27-nov-1887, single headstone says s/o a.a. & a.t. cobb COBB, John D., b. 31-dec-1826, d. 10-nov-1877, CSA marker COBB, Lenora D., b. 1871, d. 1940, dbl. headstone with william r. 1870/1945 COBB, Roy, b. 1-apr-1904, d. 25-sept-1904, dbl. headstone with willie 1895/1897, says s/o w.r. & nora cobb COBB, William R., b. 1870, d. 1945, dbl. headstone with lenora d. 1871/1940; also here: b.f. mary j., bennie, corina, w.b. & cora f. dilworth COBB, Willie, b. 6-jun-1895, d. 28-may-1897, dbl. headstone with roy 1904/04, says s/o w.r. & nora cobb COOPER, infant boy, 15-mar-1971, only date, funeral marker only COOPER, infant, no date, harold and jessie lee cooper, buried in scott plott COOPER, infant, no date, harold and jessie lee cooper, buried in scott plott COOPER, infant, no date, harold and jessie lee cooper, buried in scott plott COOPER, infant, no date, roger and mary cooper, buried in scott plott CORBIN, Millie White, b. 11-sept-1911, d. 15-jul-2001 COX, Bert Benjamin, Jr., b. 1955, d. 1998, s/o cox; bert benjamin cox sr and dulca freeman cox COX, Bert Benjamin, Sr., b. 26-sept-1918, d. 21-aug-1993, w. dulca freeman cox; s/o edward price & sallie abbott cox, army vet wwII COX, Carolina, b. 1912, d. 1918 COX, Louise, b. & d. no dates, single headstone - has abbott header; also here: plumer & caroline cox, buried in rev. wilburn abbott plots COX, Plumer, b. & d. no dates, single headstone - has abbott header; buried in rev. wilburn abbott plots; also here: louise & lillie abbott; louise & caroline cox COX, Sallie, b. 1879, d. 1973, funeral marker only; she beside wallace e. 1917/77 COX, Wallace E., b. 26-apr-1917, d. 10-july-1977, military marker: s sgt us army WWII; he beside sallie 1879/1973 CRAIG, Derrill Thomas, b. 28-oct-1954, d. 18-sept-1994, s/o john frank & geraldine scott craig CRAIG, Geraldine Scott, b.5-feb-1933, d.8-mar-1995, h, john frank craig, p. will & belle mathis scott CRAIG, John Frank, b. 31-jan-1930, clayton ga, d. 6-dec-1995, s/o geraldine scott craig; & lish & lizzie marcus craig CRENSHAW, Elizabeth H., b. 1854, d. 1926, dbl. headstone with george w. 1850/1926 CRENSHAW, George W., b. 1850, d. 1926, dbl. headstone with elizabeth h. 1854/1926 DAVIS, Harry George, b. 3-may-1926, d. 3-jan-1969, military marker: minnesota cpl us army DEAN, Effie Adair Jefferson, b. 1869, d. 1972 DILWORTH, B. F., b. 26-dec-1828, d. 1-may-1901, dbl. headstone with mary j. 1827/1895; has csa marker on grave; also here: bennie, w.b., cora p. dilworth and wm. r. & lenora d., willie & roy cobb DILWORTH, Bennie, b. 1874, d. 1937, single headstone DILWORTH, Cathrine*, b. 3-jan-1844, d. 28-aug-1896, single headstone; also here: jennie, robert h. & mary a., *cathrine as on stone DILWORTH, Cora P., b. 4-nov-1873, d. 9-mar-1944, dbl. headstone with w.b. 1870/1919 DILWORTH, Corina, b. 1896, d. 1966, single headstone; also here: w.b. & cora p. dilworth DILWORTH, Jennie, b.1890, d. 1923, single headstone; also here: cathrine, robert h. & mary a., DILWORTH, Mary A., b. 4-nov-1848, d. 22-dec-1932, dbl. headstone with robert h. 1838/1909 DILWORTH, Mary J., b. 25-nov-1827, d. 7-feb-1895, dbl. headstone with b.f. 1828/1901 DILWORTH, Robert H., b. 10-aug-1838, d. 5-apr-1909, dbl. headstone with mary a. 1848/1932; has csa marker on grave DILWORTH, W. B., b. 17-nov-1870, d. 16-jul-1919, dbl. headstone with cora p. 1873/1944 DODD, Ola Mae Reid, b. 3-may-1919, pickens co sc, d. 4-jan-1996, h. hubert b.; d/o jackson melvin & ida mae reid, DONALD, Cheryl Ann (Sherry), b. 21-jun-1961, d. 2-mar-1991, p. dennis r. & betty jo wood donald DUCKWORTH, Codye A., b. 27-mar-1896, d. 2-dec-1945 DUCKWORTH, J. Walter, b. 30-nov-1903, d. 8-feb-1973 DUCKWORTH, James L., b. 1873, d.1943, on double headstone with mira n. (1883- 1975) DUCKWORTH, Mira N., b. 1883, d. 1975, on double headstone with james l. (1873- 1943) DUCKWORTH, Robert Jones, b. 9-sept-1925, d. 21-oct-1989, w. ruth sydalia freeman duckworth, p. james walter & codye alexander duckworth, navy vet wwII DUCKWORTH, Roy Marshall, b. 20-apr-1927, d. 14-May-2000 DUCKWORTH, Sydalia Freeman, b.1926, d.27-dec-2000, h. robert jones duckworth, p. charles watson & lillie mae mcdonald freeman DUNCAN, Fostina H., b. 19-dec-1912, d. 22-aug-1983, beloved daughter, buried in Hamby plott EDNEY, Christopher J., b. 6-dec-1966, d. 21-dec-1967, buried beside john m. EDNEY, John M., b. 2-jul-1902, d. 23-oct-1943, buried beside christopher j. (1966-67_ ELLIOTT, Brian Keith, b. 13-nov-1969, d. 2-mar-1991, p. ronald earl elliott & phyllis standridge elliott rogers, FOSTER, Annie Zadie, b. 1915 d. 1931 FOSTER, Carl E., only date 1956 FOSTER, Dorothy Hooper, b. c1925, d. 24-may-1990, h. Jack H. Foster, p. Henry A. and Dovie (McCoy) Hooper, b. Piedmont SC FOSTER, Fred William, Sr., b. 18-mar-1907 d. 19-aug-1976 FOSTER, Jack Hampton, b.1922c, d.6-dec-1998, p. charlie & hannah smith foster, w. dorothy hooper foster, FOSTER, Melvin Dennis, b. 14-aug-1943 d. 7-apr-1950 FREEMAN, Eva Bea Hamby, b. 20-mar-1922 Cherokee CO NC, d. 6-jul-1992, p. James Arthur and Bell (Murphy) Hamby, FREEMAN, Jeffrey Eugene, Jr., b. 26-aug-1996, d. 11-dec-1996, p. J.E. Sr. and Joanna Rebecca (Blackwell) Freeman GIBSON, Clarence E., b.1898, d.1968, beside maude h., on single marker -has gibson header GIBSON, Maude H., b. 1891, d. 1980, beside clarence e. GRAHAM, Irene, b.6-apr-1915, d.6-apr-1915, double marker with twin willie with same dates GRAHAM, Lula Jane, 1967, only date GRAHAM, Willie, b.6-apr-1915, d.6-apr-1915, double marker with twin irene, same dates, HALL, Harold Grady, b.9-apr-1934, d.19-sept-1991, p. steven grady hall, w. annie catherine shipman hall HAMBY, Bell M., b.22-july-1893, d.6-apr-1943, beside james a. HAMBY, James A., b.26-july-1887, d.27-may-1972, beside bell m. HAYNES, Ola M., b.14-sept-1890, d.23-nov-1974, double marker with wm. f.,sr. HAYNES, William F., Jr., b.3-oct-1916, d.27-jan-2000, dl marker Sarah Morehead b.26-jun-1920 HAYNES, William F., Sr., b.6-feb-1882, d.9-july-1953, double marker with ola m. HESSE, James Henry, b.1889, d.1961, double marker with maude c. HESSE, Julius D., b. 24-nov-1885, d.14-may-1942 HESSE, Maude C., b.11-oct-1901, d.17-sept-1997, p. luther allen sr. & martha ann walters cleland, h. james henry hesse HOLDEN, Myrtle D., b. 11-sep-1924, d. 17-dec-1994, double headstone with h. ray edward, p. lee & tecora black dickerson HOLDEN, Ray Edward, b. 30-jan-1924, d. 20-mar-1971, double headstone with w. myrtle d., p. rev. elisha a. & gertrude r. holden, military marker: sc cpl 2539 base unit aaf wwII HUBBARD, Grover C., b.1884, d.1955, double marker with mertie a. HUBBARD, Mertie A., b.1894, d.18-july-1985, p. wilburn o. & sallie marrett alexander, h. grover cleveland hubbard HUNSINGER, Pearle S., b.5-may-1893, d.10-nov-1979, p w.h. and susan hunsinger HUNSINGER, Ruby, b. 5-june-1891, d. 6-mar-1905 HUNSINGER, Susan M., b.28-aug-1842, d.16-mar-1893, double marker with thomas HUNSINGER, Susan Margaret Alexander, b.1-oct-1860, d.2-june-1939, h. w.h. HUNSINGER, Thomas, b.1-oct-1842, d.25-mar-1901, w. susan m. HUNSINGER, W.H., b.19-sept-1863, d.18-jun-1896, double marker with sue m. HUNSINGER, Willie T., b.29-sept-1896, d.13-mar-1897 HYATT, Florida G., b.21-jan-1885, d.29-apr-1959, double marker with james l. HYATT, James L., b.2-aug-1880, d.14-oct-1952, double marker with florida g. JACKSON, Cathrine, b. 3-jan-1844, d. 28-aug-1896, buried in same plott as robert h and mary a dilworth JEFFERSON, Curtis, b. 9-may-1904, d. 5-sept-1939 JEFFERSON, Marshall J.C., b.18-June-1918, d.14-may-1984, p. sam & sarah roach jefferson double marker with Minnie S. Jefferson JEFFERSON, Minie S., b. 1918, d. 29-sept-1946, double marker with Marshall Jefferson JEFFERSON, Morgan, b.1869, d.1904 JEFFERSON, Sam, b. 14-apr-1872, d. 17-dec-1939 JEFFERSON, Sarah, b.1886, d.6-sept-1949 JOHNSON, Elizabeth, b.9-sept-1839, d.18-sept-1903, h. j.h. KEITH, Ada, b.6-oct-1881, d.30-mar-1944, buried in Alexander plott KING, Jesse B., b.22-feb-1886, d.8-jan-1951, double marker with maderia a. KING, Maderia A., b.12-jan-1888, d.1-jan-1971, double marker with jesse b., p wilburn o and sally marett alexamder KING, Sallie Ruth, 1-apr-1923, only date LEOPARD, infant dtr. of W.M. & Mattie, b. & d. 5-july-1906, beside inf. son of w.m. & mattie LEOPARD, infant son of W.M. & Mattie, 1909, beside infant dtr. of w.m. & mattie, only date LYON, Frederick Thomas Sr., b.12-aug-1946, d.24-feb-2000, w. mary blackwell lyon, p. wm. t. & catherine kane lyon, army vet vietnam MANNING, I.C., b.11-apr-1847, d.25-oct-1921, double marker with lethia MANNING, Lethia, b.7-july-1859, d.9-june-1936, double marker with i.c. MATHIS, Charles D., b. 1944, d. 1945 MATHIS, Emma, Mrs. 25-aug-1964, only date MATHIS, Ethel M., b. 4-Mar-1917, d.11-1-1982, beside howard t. MATHIS, Howard T., b.2-june-1920, d.9-feb-1970, military marker: sc pfc us army WWII, beside ethel MATHIS, Jack Emmet, no dates, dates are in the ground military marker: sc pvt 31 inf 7 inf div korea MATHIS, Raymond J., b. 1945, d. 1946 McALISTER, Eliza, b.15-nov-1824, d.30-may-1910 McALISTER, Homer L., b.4-nov-1907, d.10-feb-1924, p. thomas & mae b. McALISTER, James Thomas, b.23-sept-1885, d.9-sept-1933, w. mae b. McALISTER, Mae B., b.12-apr-1889, d.12-dec-1976, h. james thomas mcalister McCALL, Sam Jones, b.29-apr-1930, d.16-oct-1997, p. henry bascom & alma boggs, mccall, w. carrie neal mccall McCLAIN, Ruby Lee O'Kelley, b.1909c, d.6-feb-2001, h. george lewis mcclain, p. terrell & mattie freeman O'kelley McDONALD, Esther M., b.20-may-1894, d.5-mar-1966, double marker with merriel t. mcdonald McDONALD, James A., b.28-june-1873, d.30-may-1954, double marker with josie e. mcdonald McDONALD, John H., b.5-apr-1900, d.18-jan-1973, military marker: sc s2 us navy WWII McDONALD, Josie E., b.27-july-1873, d.17-apr-1962, double marker with james a. mcdonald McDONALD, Luther Henry, b.17-july-1928, d.8-sept-1933 McDONALD, Merriel T., b.23-aug-1895, d.5-june-1969, double marker with esther m. McGUFFIN, A.W., Rev., b. 23-july-1811, d.3-july-1901,ordained 10-nov-1836 McGUFFIN, Helen E. Michel, b.26-oct-1925, d.25-apr-1988, p. joseph & mabel biglin michel, h. r.e. mcguffin McGUFFIN, John Quillian, b.24-sept-1890, d.20-july-1984, p. lewis & molly adams mcguffin, 1st w. rachel turner mcguffin, 2nd w. janie chandler mauldin mcguffin McGUFFIN, John Turner, b. 1-mar-1919, d. 29-sept-1983, son of j.g. and rachel mcguffin McGUFFIN, Murial, b.28-may-1931, d.21-july-1931, p. j.q. & r.v. mcGuffin McGUFFIN, Rachel Turner, b.1894, d.1943, h. j.q. McGUFFIN, son of J.Q. & R.V., b.11-mar-1915, d.11-mar-1915 McKEE, Carl O., b.25-sept-1899, d.10-sept-1900, p. j.t. & j.n. mckee McKEE, Evelyn, b.15-may-1907, d.11-nov-1928, p. j.t. & julia McKEE, G.F., b.18-oct-1881, d.6-apr-1898 McKEE, Julia N., b.14-apr-1877, d.12-sept-1917, h. j.t. MEREDITH, Coleman, 8-feb-1889, only date MEREDITH, G.W., b.1863, d. 1906, buried beside Louisa MEREDITH, George William, b.24-july-1928, d.20-dec-1984, p. mehlon young & sara long meredith, army vet WWII, MEREDITH, Irene, 1-may-1927, only date MEREDITH, James Guy, b. 25-jan-1913, d. 1-oct-1983 MEREDITH, Jane, mar, no longer readable & only date MEREDITH, Louisa, 11-may-1911, only date MEREDITH, Roxie McDonald, b.27-nov-1897,d. 15-dec-1983, double marker with wm. albert meredith, MEREDITH, Sarah, b.1895, d.1975 MEREDITH, William Albert, b.2-mar-1886, d.6-feb-1968, double marker with roxie mcdonald meredith MERONEY, Donald M., b.13-jun-1905, d.27-sept-1983, p. dr. steve & annie green meroney, w. mary scott meroney MERONEY, infant of donald and mary, no date, buried in scott plett MERONEY, Mary Scott, b.9-june-1921, d.16-july-1961 MILLER, Emma Jane, b.1879, d.1965 MILLER, Ervin M., Jr., b.5-oct-1910, d.16-apr-1969 MILLER, Frances Jane Adair, b.1843, d.1929, beside wm. j. MILLER, Johnny, b.1869, d.1934 MILLER, Nina L., b.19-may-1913, d.29-may-1940,h. ervin m., jr. MILLER, Samuel L., b.25-feb-1872, d.7-jan-1910 MILLER, William J., b.1842, d.1901, pvt. Confederate states army MONTGOMERY, George F., b.20-july-1896, d.16-may-1966, military marker: sc pvt batt c 60 field art WWI, beside jane h. MONTGOMERY, Jane Hunsinger, b.29-sept-1896, d. 1-sept-1982, beside george f. MOORE, Ellie, b.1883, d.1958 MOORE, Elouise, b.1920, d.1930 MOORE, Enoch, b.1879, d.1949 MOORE, Frances, b.1897, d.1933 MOORE, Joseph, b.1922C, d.11-dec-1986, p. eli & gussie pitts moore MOORE, Kevin George, b.8-may-1973, d.13-may-1973 MOORE, Luther, b.feb-1917, d.mar-1919 MOORE, Maude McGuffin Austin, b.15-may-1921, d.22-sept-1995, p. john quillian & rachel turner mcguffin, h. m.m. moore, MOORE, Onnie, b.1925, d.1963 MORTON, Charley L., b.9-aug-1906, d.30-june-1926 MORTON, Fanney M., b.28-apr-1909, d.28-feb-1912 MORTON, Mary E., b.12-july-1877, d.1-jan-1942, h. r.l. morton MORTON, Richard L., b.14-feb-1877, d.30-jan-1931 NEAL, George V., b.16-sept-1919, d.12-dec-1992, p. leo oliver & mary bryant neal, w. carrie norris neal, army vet WWII NEWELL, I. A., 25-may-1844, d. 30-dec-1879, w s.a. newell NEWELL, S.A.,Mrs., b.1824, d.30-dec-1895, h. i.a. newell OAKLEY, Patricia Almeda, b.19-jan-1939, d.28-may-1976 O'KELLEY, Steven Jerry, 2-mar-1965, double marker with mother vernice smith o'kelley, son of jerry eugene o'kelley O'KELLEY, Vernice Smith, b.29-oct-1945, d.3-mar-1965, h. jerry eugene o'kelley, double marker with steven jerry o'kelley PERRY, Alvin, b.31-jul-1929, d.11-may-1974 PERRY, Bill, b. 1928, d. 1985 PERRY, Matthew L., b. 1995, d. 1995 PERRY, Polly, b. 2-july-1918, d. 29-dec-1999 PERRY, William Ben "Bill", b.1928C, d.16-july-1985, p. mac & viola mathis perry, w. willie mae spearman perry PITTS, Fred, b.4-oct-1904, d.28-oct-1973 PITTS, Michael Wayne, b.20-feb-1956, d.21-oct-1996, p. ray e. & marie moore pitts, w. cathy medlin pitts RAMEY, Alvin, b.24-sept-1926, d.10-oct-1985, p. chub & melissa blackwell ramey RAMEY, Chub, b.1-may-1900, d.21-sept-1974 RIDER, Viola Mathis, no dates ROGERS, Phyllis Grace Standridge Elliott, b.8-nov-1949, d.24-feb-2000, p. eva frix (sic) standridge ROGERS, Steve Don, b.3-sept-1955, d.3-feb-1988, p. ernest junior rogers, & cecil irene rogers tannery SCOTT, Ann, no date SCOTT, Bell M., b.22-june-1895, d.3-apr-1968, double marker with wm. h.p. SCOTT, Floyd, no date SCOTT, Tom, no date SCOTT, Tommy Jr., only date 7-dec-1977 SCOTT, Tommy, b.1910, d.1975 SCOTT, William H.P., b.15-may-1894, d.28-1953, double marker with bell m., military marker: sc wageoner 118 inf WWI ph SHIPMAN, Luther, b.27-jun-1925, d.26-may-1928, p. g.d. & mattie shipman SHIPMAN, Matilda, b.1863, d.26-dec-1928, a. 65y, h. robert SHIPMAN, Mattie E., b.13-oct-1900, d.25-sept-1958 SHIPMAN, Ruth, b. 1-june-1929, d. 1-june-1929, infant daughter of G.D. & Mattie SHIPMAN, Sallie P., b.15-june-1923, d.18-may-1928, p. g.d. & mattie SHIRLEY, Laura Mae, b. 20-oct-1906, d. 1-dec-1997 wife of william howard SHIRLEY, Lavaca R., b.14-mar-1885, d.25-apr-1969, double marker with wm. c. SHIRLEY, William C., b. 19-july-1882, d.20-apr-1954, double marker with lavaca r. SHIRLEY, William C., Jr., b.14-dec-1916, d.3-jan-1945, sgt., died in france SHIRLEY, William Howard, b.24-feb-1909, d.30-july-1989, p. w.c. & lavaca randall shirley, sr., w. laura mae alexander shirley SHOEMAKE, Melvin P., b. 17-sept-1937, d. 2-sept-1995, h. of nancy ann SHOEMAKE, Nancy Ann Shirley, b.9-may-1932, d. 25-apr-1995, p. william howard amd laura mae shirley, w. of melvin SIMPSON, James Floyd, b.12-july-1936, d.12-july-1936 SIMPSON, James W., b.28-apr-1916, d.28-apr.1916, p. j.o. & o.g. simpson SMITH, Ada Stegall, b. 29-jan-1892, d. 8-feb-1924 SMITH, Bernice Edgar, b.2-jan-1921, d.1-apr-2000, h. john h. smith, p. james andrew & effie morton edgar smith SMITH, Betsey A., b.1852, d.6-feb-1917 SMITH, Clayton Dewey, b.1-nov-1918, d.15-apr-1986, p. della smtiht bates & george smith, vet WWII US Army SMITH, Donald Junior, b.9-jan-1939, d.12-jan-1939, infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. clayton smith SMITH, Edward John, b.10-aug-1920, d. 22-aug-1996, double marker with Sophie Smith Smith SMITH, Grace E., b. 15-feb-1913, d. 26-mar-1977, double marker with harley d. smith SMITH, Harley d., b. 19-july-1915, d. 1-sept-1974, double marker with grace e. smith SMITH, Illa Ovalyne, b. 26-oct-1921, d. 1-feb-1952 SMITH, infant dtr. of Mr. & Mrs. Clayton, b. & d. 14-mar-1937, double marker with donald junior SMITH, Janice Louise, only date 13-nov-1954, dtr. of john and bernice SMITH, Joel, b.1854, d.4-apr-1899, a. 45y, beside rebecca SMITH, John Henry, b.31-mar-1917, d.30-sept-1991, p. james albret & lena reid smith, w. bernice louise edgar smith SMITH, Kermit, b.31-may-1925, d.10-jan-1947 SMITH, Mary C.,b.16-aug-1868, d.3-mar-1937, double marker with seaborn c. SMITH, Mildred Lee Dodd Smith, b.24-sept-1911, d.15-sept-1983, p. james marion & cora lee brock dodd, h. u.t. smith SMITH, Ollie Abbott, b.7-oct-1897, d.26-june-1933, beside uylsses t. SMITH, Rebecca, b.1828, d.17-feb-1905, h. john smith SMITH, Seaborn C., b.22-nov-1871, d.25-jan-1946, double marker with mary c. SMITH, Sophie Smith, b.30-oct-1921, d.27-mar-1997, p. wm. & mary bell coward smith, double marker edward john smith SMITH, Uylsses T., b.7-june-1894, d.20-oct-1970, beside ollie abbott smith STANDRIDGE, Clyde Wilton, b.1-feb-1925, d.28-may-1970 STANDRIDGE, Earbie J. Swafford, b.11-aug-1932, d.28-sept-1994, db marker mary e. swafford STANDRIDGE, Eva F., b. 17-apr-1934, d. 22-feb-1953 STANDRIDGE, Joe C., b.22-june-1928, d.26-apr-1945 STANDRIDGE, Patsy Ann, b. 22-feb-1953, d 14-mar-1953 STEGALL, Ada, only date 29-jan-1892 STEGALL, Berry C, b. 1897, d. 1948 STEGALL, Edward C., b.5-june-1898, d.30-june-1961, double marker with magie w. stegall STEGALL, Josie j., 30-july-1920, only date STEGALL, Julian M., b.28-dec-1927, d.19-july-1928, p. w.s. & dessie stegall STEGALL, Maggie W., b.26-apr-1898, d.15-oct-1989, p. wm. alexander & lena butler white, h. edward c. stegall STEGALL, Susannah "Sue" Williams, b. 1855, d. 1920 STEGALL, Weedie W., b.26-mar-1900, d.9-july-1986, p. wesley & tina foster white, h. berry stegall STELLING, Sarah Broome Carver, b. 1859, d. 1935 SULLIVAN, Dennis Ralph, b.8-apr-1948, d.23-mar-2000, w. carolyn moore sullivan, father: ralph, mother: late lola collins sullivan SWAFFORD, David, b.20-apr-1980, d.4-may-1980 SWAFFORD, Earbie J., b. 11-aug-1932, d. 28-sept-1994, w. mary e.swafford SWAFFORD, Lonnie S., b.3-mar-1908, d.9-nov-1942, w. pearl blackwell swafford SWAFFORD, Mary Elizabeth McMahan, b.10-may-1930, d.23-dec-1987, p. calvin mcarthur & ila lay mcmahan, h. erby j. swafford SWAFFORD, William Edward, b.30-jan-1954, d.27-oct-1978 TANKSLEY, Betty S., b.13-feb-1932, d.31-mar-1932, p. mr. & mrs. e.l. tanksley TANKSLEY, Harrel, b.6-jan-1931, d.30-jan-1931, p. e.l. tanksley TANKSLEY, Viola Buttley, b.26-jan-1909, d.20-feb-1932, h. e.l. tanksley THOMPSON, George W., b.12-nov-1866, d.2-feb-1940, double marker with mary p. thompson THOMPSON, Mary P., b.5-sept-1863, d.21-june-1942, double marker with george w. thompson TIPPETT, Amber Leann, b. 28-jun-1987, d.18-aug-1988, 13 mon. old dtr. of oscar anderson & debra neal tippett (twin) TIPPETT, Pamela DeAnn, b.28-jun-1987, d. 29-june-1987, infant dtr. of oscar anderson & debra ann neal tippett (twin) WALTERS, Autry Dean, b. 1943C, d. 3-nov-1993, p. cecil wm. & mary margie jefferson walters WALTERS, Bobby O., b. 7-mar-1944, d. 5-jan-2002 WALTERS, Cecil William, b. 9-jun-1915, d. 4-feb-1991, p. thomas bailey & ida blackwell walters, w. margie jefferson walters WALTERS, Mary Margie Jefferson, b. 2-march-1913, d. 3-nov-1986, p. sam & sarah roach jefferson, h. cecil william walters WEAVER, Henry Albert, b. 15-mar-1916, d. 29-dec-1961 WEAVER, James H. b. 25-may-1886, d. 13-feb-1956, double marker with syndia d. weaver, military: sc pfc 1 prot intr depot sp aaf WWII, WEAVER, Syndia D., b. 8-june-1888, d. 19-jan-1954, double marker with james a. weaver WESTMORELAND, Calvin H., b. 13-oct-1897, d. 22-jun-1981 WESTMORELAND, Nettie Louise Hesse, b. 18-oct-1922, d.10-june-1998, h. curtis h., p. james henry & maude sue cleland hesse WESTMORELAND, Virgie Driver, b. 16-feb-1900, d. 23-nov-1990, p. newton & ida tannery driver, h. calvin henry westmoreland WHITE, John W., b. 29-may-1900, d. 6-jan-1976, double marker with sudie e. white WHITE, John W., Jr. b. 23-aug-1931, d. 9-apr-1981, double marker with sarah e. white, US Army, Korea WHITE, Lena Butler, b. 28-oct-1868, d. 27-nov-1931, double marker with wm. a. white WHITE, Sarah E., b. 21-mar-1937, double marker with john w. white, jr. WHITE, Sarah Tina, b. 1875, d. 1955, p. george w. & elizabeth walker foster, double marker with wesley a. white WHITE, Sudie E., b. 14-july-1904, d. 31-jan-1965, double marker with john w. white WHITE, Wesley A., b. 1857, d. 1939, double marker with sarah tina white WHITE, William A., b. 13-aug-1860, d. 4-may-1944, double marker with lena butler white WILBANKS, Arthur, b. 28-mar-1892, d. 9-sept-1952, military marker: sc pvt 156 depot brig wwI WILLIAMS, Billy Norton, b. 1934C, d. 21-dec-1993, p. Alice Williams, w. linda williams WILLIAMS, M.C., b. 31-jan-1916, d. 17-july-1979, double marker with margie mcguffin williams WILLIAMS, Margie McGuffin, b. 17-june, 1917, d. no date, double marker with m.c. williams WOOD, Dorsey, b. 23-dec-1917, d. 4-july-1977, double marker with mary o. wood WOOD, Homer J., b. 27-apr-1915, d. 17-sept-1977 WOOD, Loyd, b.18-feb-1952, d. 8-apr-1952 WOOD, Martha Chappell, b. 1-jul-1893, d. 19-jan-1979 WOOD, Mary Edna Owens, b. 1925, d. 4-may-1996 WOOD, Mary Jeanette, b. 6-feb-1949, d. 8-feb-1962, beside dorsey & mary o. wood WOOD, Mary O., b. 5-feb-1925, double marker with dorsey wood WOOD, Patricia Rachel Williams, b. 22-jan-1937, d. 11-july-1995, p. m.c. williams, h. ralph e. wood, jr. WOOD, Pearl Blackwell Swafford, b. 6-dec-1909. d. 18-feb-1992, h. (1) lonnie swafford, (2) homer j. wood o----------o - On the left side of Minnie Jefferson on Marshall Jefferson's grave are some of my other kin. Minnie and Marshall have headstones. Minnie is Lillie and Jasper's daughter. - Right beside of them is Lillie Strange b.? d. 1941 - On the right beside of her is her husband Jasper Strange b.? d. 1960 - On the right beside of him is his aunt Unie Moore dates unknown - On the right beside of her is her son Henry Moore dates unknown he is right at the road my mother said they put the road over part of him. (State Archaeologist Dr. Jon Leader at notified 25-Jul-2006 - SCDOT also advised) I have placed large rocks on their graves but they have no names on them and I can not buy headstones for I have lung cancer and can not afford them. However, I do not want them lost and no one knowing where they are. I talked to the church before I got sick, but I never got back over there to get them to put the folks on the plat that they have. by: Donna Elkins at in 25-Jul-2006